Dorms places at UNIMIB

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Milano has a wide range of accommodation options and where you end up living depends on your style and budget.

Apartments are less expensive in the peripheral districts of the city. It’s hard to find a share in an apartment for less than 300-400 euros a month. But not being close to downtown is not a disadvantage to study in Bicocca as we are easily connected by train to nearby cities where accommodation options are way more affordable (Monza, Lecco, Como, Sesto S. Giovanni) .
The University of Milano-Bicocca offers residences to students living away from home. Residences are offered according to the Right to Education principle to students who meet the requirements to obtain accommodation at a reduced price.
You can submit your application for a dorm place together with your application for the Regional right to study (DS) scholarship. You will receive an email with detailed information on how to apply to Regional right to study (DS) scholarship after successfully submitting your application for the selected program.

It’s important to note that while most courses are held at the main campus in Milan, the School of Medicine courses take place in Monza, near S. Gerardo Hospital. Additionally, the* School of Medicine and Surgery course held in English* is located in Bergamo, in a brand new facility near Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital.

2 Jul 2024