Economics and Technologies of Sustainability
Italia, Milano
Luogo di studio | Italia, Milano |
Settore accademico | Economics (JACS LJ19) Others in technology (JACS LJ19) |
Tipo | Master, full-time |
Durata nominale | 2 years (120 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | inglese |
Codice del corso | -/-/2025 |
Tassa scolastica | The balance fee amount is based on the chosen course and the student’s country of income. See the fees and funding page for details. |
Tassa di iscrizione | 30 € una tantum |
Deposito | 156 € una tantum |
Qualifiche di accesso | Bachelor diploma (or higher) Applicants must have a background in economics, business, mathematics-statistics, or environmental-cultural disciplines such as chemistry, biology, and geology, demonstrated through prior studies with at least 36 ECTS hours of coursework in these areas, among which at least 18 ECTS need to be in economics. For education systems that do not use ECTS, the faculty will consider the workload hours indicated in the transcript and may request the course syllabus if needed. All candidates have to take an interview, evaluated by an admission commission, in order to assess their knowledge in the fields relevant to the course and their motivation. I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / italiano. Se la tua scuola non rilascia i documenti nelle lingue accettate dovrai allegare una traduzione ufficiale insieme alle copie certificate dell’originale. È necessario portare con sé i documenti delle qualifiche di ingresso al momento dell’arrivo all’università. |
Requisiti linguistici | inglese English: B2 level knowledge is required. If your previous degree was entirely taught in English or if English is your native language, you are exempt from submitting a separate language proficiency certificate. Countries where English is considered a native language include United States, the United Kingdom, Canada (excluding Quebec), Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa, and countries in the Caribbean where English is an official language. |
Maggiori informazioni |
The “Economics and Technologies of Sustainability” master’s degree is an interdisciplinary program
addressing global challenges through a blend of economics, technology, and sustainability
principles. It focuses on equipping students with skills to tackle pressing issues such as resource
scarcity, energy challenges, the transition to a sustainable production, circular economies, and
strategies to identify and economically valorize sustainability implementations, and the socio-political aspects of sustainability and its realization. Interdisciplinary classes in both economic and natural sciences cover planetary resources, renewable and non-renewable resource economics,
environmental economics, sustainable production technologies, concepts of energy generation and
storage, carbon neutrality and carbon negativity, waste valorization strategies, sustainability
identification, certification systems, sustainability-driven strategies for businesses, socio-political
possibilities for implementing sustainability across societies in a changing world.
The program *emphasizes both theoretical understanding and hands-on experience through
specialized labs*, with both formats building on modern didactic concepts that aim at a student
involvement at unprecedented levels.
Graduates will enter the world of work as “Sustainability Specialists” or “Tech-Economists,”
professionals capable of *bridging economic and technological solutions for sustainable
development within private companies, public sectors and as consultant.*
Admission requires prior knowledge in economics, science, or related disciplines, ensuring students
have a strong foundation in fields like basic microeconomics and macroeconomics, statistics,
general biology and chemistry, and general geology. The curriculum blending socio-economic and
scientific perspectives aims at fostering innovation in realizing sustainability in all key areas of
modern societies. Graduates, entering the world of work as “Sustainability Specialists” or “Tech-
Economists for Sustainability,” are well-prepared for careers in corporate responsibility, sustainability consulting, and policy-making, playing a pivotal role in description, quantification, design, implementation and valorization of environmental sustainability.
The approval process for the Master’s Degree program in Economics and Technologies for Sustainability is not yet complete. The program will be activated in the academic year 2025-2026 provided that the procedure concludes positively. All information reported on this website should be considered provisional and subject to approval by the competent authorities.
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