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Fisioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di fisioterapia)

Tassa scolastica

The balance fee amount is based on the chosen course and the student’s country of income. See the fees and funding page for details.

Deposito 156 € una tantum
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The Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy (qualification required for the profession of physiotherapist) belongs to the Class of Degrees in Rehabilitative Healthcare Professions, has a duration of three years and involves the acquisition of 180 university study credits (CFUs) leading to the award of the degree. There are 19 exams which are worth a total of 156 CFUs. The remaining credits will be acquired through other educational activities: attendance at activities chosen by the student, attendance at professional laboratories and seminars, checks on English language and IT skills and the final exam. Indicatively, the exams are divided as follows: seven in the first year, six in the second and six in the third.

Admission to the course of study occurs via a scheduled national process, with a ranking produced on the basis of a national multiple response admission test.
The official language of the course is Italian.

At the end of the course, the qualification of Degree in Physiotherapy is issued. This qualification enables access to first-level postgraduate programmes, Master’s Degree courses in Rehabilitative Healthcare Professions and other classes launched at the University of Milano-Bicocca or at other universities in accordance with the procedures set out in their respective regulations.

The Degree course intends to provide solid cultural and methodological preparation in disciplines relating to physiotherapy and rehabilitation. This will allow graduates to become healthcare professionals that will be able to take ownership of their profession and act with professional autonomy, towards individuals and the community, in completing activities designed to ensure prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and functional evaluation, in order to practise the skills set out in the relevant professional profile.

Struttura del programma

[url] elearning.unimib.it/pluginfile.php/1552776/mod_resource/content/1/Regolamento%20Didattico%20Fisioterapia%20a.a.2023_2024.pdf [/url]

Al momento non disponibile per candidature
Al momento non disponibile per candidature
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