Scienze e tecniche psicologiche
Luogo di studio | Italia, Milano |
Settore accademico | Social psychology (JACS C880) |
Tipo | Bachelor, full-time |
Durata nominale | 3 years (180 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | italiano |
Codice del corso | E2403P/GGG/2025 |
Tassa scolastica | The balance fee amount is based on the chosen course and the student’s country of income. See the fees and funding page for details. |
Deposito | 156 € una tantum |
Qualifiche di accesso | Formazione superiore di secondo grado test TOLC-PSI I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / italiano. Se la tua scuola non rilascia i documenti nelle lingue accettate dovrai allegare una traduzione ufficiale insieme alle copie certificate dell’originale. È necessario portare con sé i documenti delle qualifiche di ingresso al momento dell’arrivo all’università. |
Maggiori informazioni |
The Bachelor’s Degree in Psychological Sciences provides fundamental knowledge relative to the theoretical and applied fields of all psychological topics. Lecture courses are held on the fundamental principles of individual, and relational mental processes, as well as on psychological methods.
Furthermore, a number of optional courses introduce theories and models on which applied psychology is based.
Taught curses are integrated with methodological laboratories introducing students to research techniques and tools, typical of the psychological professions. Stage activities are and essential component of the Course.
Graduates of the B.Sc in Psychological Sciences have acquired the knowledge necessary to pursue a Master of Science in Psychology. They also have work opportunities in different types of companies, public and private organizations providing services for individuals, groups and the community, such as: research, planning of interventions, the management of relational difficulties, and the development of human individual and social resources.
Struttura del programma
Ora dell’Europa centrale
Ora dell’Europa centrale