Scienze e tecnologie chimiche
Luogo di studio | Italia, Milano |
Settore accademico | Chemistry (JACS F100) |
Tipo | Bachelor, full-time |
Durata nominale | 3 years (180 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | italiano |
Codice del corso | E2703Q/GGG/2025 |
Tassa scolastica | The balance fee amount is based on the chosen course and the student’s country of income. See the fees and funding page for details. |
Deposito | 156 € una tantum |
Qualifiche di accesso | Formazione superiore di secondo grado test TOLC-S I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / italiano. Se la tua scuola non rilascia i documenti nelle lingue accettate dovrai allegare una traduzione ufficiale insieme alle copie certificate dell’originale. È necessario portare con sé i documenti delle qualifiche di ingresso al momento dell’arrivo all’università. |
Requisiti linguistici | italiano NON EU VISA SEEKER : B2 certified List of accepted certifications: |
Maggiori informazioni |
The Bachelor’s Degree of Chemical Sciences and Technologies offers advanced training in Chemistry thanks to both class lessons and laboratory experiences covering the subjects of general chemistry, inorganic, organic, macromolecular and analytical chemistry as well as a sound preparation in physical chemistry. The BSc also offers optional courses on industrial chemistry, marketing, environmental control and safety.
The program includes courses in mathematics and physics as the cornerstone of hard science education. Detailed training in chemistry includes courses on general, organic, macromolecular, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry.
After completion of the first common teaching subjects, students can choose between two different paths: a methodological path, intended for students willing to pursue an education in chemistry at the Master level, and a professionalizing one intended for students willing to terminate their education at the BSc level.
A strong emphasis on laboratory classes is an essential feature of the program. The normal duration of the course is three years.
Struttura del programma
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