Scienze dell'organizzazione
Italia, Milano
Luogo di studio | Italia, Milano |
Settore accademico | Socio-economics (JACS L360) |
Tipo | Bachelor, full-time |
Durata nominale | 3 years (180 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | italiano |
Codice del corso | E1602N/GGG/2025 |
Tassa scolastica | The balance fee amount is based on the chosen course and the student’s country of income. See the fees and funding page for details. |
Deposito | 156 € una tantum |
Qualifiche di accesso | Formazione superiore di secondo grado Cisia Test TOLC-SU I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / italiano. Se la tua scuola non rilascia i documenti nelle lingue accettate dovrai allegare una traduzione ufficiale insieme alle copie certificate dell’originale. È necessario portare con sé i documenti delle qualifiche di ingresso al momento dell’arrivo all’università. |
Requisiti linguistici | italiano |
Maggiori informazioni |
The Bachelor’s Degree in Organization Science belongs to the Degree Class in Administration and Organization Sciences. It lasts three years and envisages the acquisition of 180 University Credits (CFU) for the achievement of the title.
The official language of the course is Italian. Some courses might be taught in English: these are optional courses placed in the second and third year of the degree program.
At the end of the studies, the Bachelor’s Degree in Organization Science is issued. The degree allows accessing to Master’s Degree Programs and first level University Masters, activated at the University of Milan-Bicocca or at other universities according to the procedures established in the respective regulations.
The Laurea in Organization Science provides cultural and methodological skills in the following areas: (1) sociological-organizational area and (2) economic-business area. The degree course allows acquiring concepts that are necessary to analyze and plan organizational systems in an interdisciplinary perspective.
The skills acquired let graduates in Organization Sciences to compete in the labour market as qualified operators in the areas of organization and human resources management. They are graduates able to read the data of the social and economic management of an organization and to elaborate strategies to improve its efficiency, effectiveness and reliability.
Graduates in Organization Sciences are therefore able to work in private companies, administrations and public bodies, associations representing interests, non profit organizations.
Struttura del programma
Ora dell’Europa centrale
Ora dell’Europa centrale