Programmazione e gestione delle politiche e dei servizi sociali
Italia, Milano
Luogo di studio | Italia, Milano |
Settore accademico | Social policy not elsewhere classified (JACS L490) |
Tipo | Master, full-time |
Durata nominale | 2 years (120 ECTS) |
Lingua di studio | italiano |
Codice del corso | F8702N/GGG/2025 |
Tassa scolastica | The balance fee amount is based on the chosen course and the student’s country of income. See the fees and funding page for details. |
Tassa di iscrizione | 30 € una tantum |
Deposito | 156 € una tantum |
Qualifiche di accesso | Bachelor diploma (or higher) Limited with entry requirements examination I documenti di studio sono accettati nelle seguenti lingue: inglese / italiano. Se la tua scuola non rilascia i documenti nelle lingue accettate dovrai allegare una traduzione ufficiale insieme alle copie certificate dell’originale. È necessario portare con sé i documenti delle qualifiche di ingresso al momento dell’arrivo all’università. |
Maggiori informazioni |
The Master’s Degree in Programming and management of the political and the social services, or PROGEST as it is know in Italian, delivers 120 credits (CFU), and aims to prepare professionals and managers with special expertise in the planning of social projects.
These include social services, international cooperation, and health-related services both in the public, and private non-profit sectors.
Admission to the Master’s Degree is based on an evaluation of ones previous academic career, as well as practical experiences within the field of the applicant.
Currently, four courses are taught in English, and two seminars are delivered in French.
Struttura del programma
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